Thursday, October 28, 2010

Justin Bieber Suicide

‎99% of teenagers would cry if they saw Justin Bieber
standing on top of a skyscraper about to jump.
If you are the 1% sitting there
with popcorn and 3D glasses screaming "DO A BACKFLIP!",
copy and paste this to your status!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Night by Elie Wiesel

But the third rope was still moving: the child, too light, was still breathing...
And so he remained for more than half an hour, lingering between life and death, writhing before our eyes. And we were forced to look at him at close range, He was still alive when I passed him. His tongue was still red, his eyes not yet extinguished.
Behind me, I heard the same man asking:
"For God's sake, where is God?"
And from within me, I heard a voice answer:
"Where He is? This is where- hanging here from this gallows..."
That night, the soup tasted of corpses.

-Elie Wiesel, Night (a new translation by Marion Wiesel)
winner of the Nobel Peace Prize

Blog Action Day 2010

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Glenn Beck's Delusional Religion

Glenn Beck needs to go back to bible school...

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Greg Giraldo's Death...

I still can not believe that Greg Giraldo passed away Wednsday at the age of 44 from a prescription drug overdose. I am shock that I have had the tragedy of writing this post. That he has come to the fate of so many young-ish celebrities recently is another loss to add to the list.
I hope that we will remember his original comedic talent... Even though he is gone I know I will still laugh whenever I hear one of his jokes, or see a performance on Comedy Central...

Emily the Strange