I remember as a young punk kid getting pulled over with some rowdy friends. The cops told me to get out of the car. I did. Some questions for all of us. He asked to see my driver's license. "I'm not old enough to drive yet." He then gruffly told me to produce some ID quick. I told him in the US we are not required to walk around with Identification Papers. That was to a very redneck Bellaire cop. I still don't know how I didn't get slapped...
I don't mind socializing, but I would rather spend the majority of my time slumped over on my golden, corduroy, 70's couch watching movies (since I cannot afford that stupid 3D crap). Films identify the flaws in people's lives and personalities. I search for myself in film, I don't think I would be human with out them...
I remember as a young punk kid getting pulled over with some rowdy friends. The cops told me to get out of the car. I did. Some questions for all of us. He asked to see my driver's license. "I'm not old enough to drive yet." He then gruffly told me to produce some ID quick. I told him in the US we are not required to walk around with Identification Papers. That was to a very redneck Bellaire cop. I still don't know how I didn't get slapped...